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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Photo Flashback

My Best Friend and I.
We met in 1994, as sixth graders.
Here we are in 1998, beginning our sophmore year in High School.
This is probably about a month before she moved to another city about 2 hours away.
A life or death situation.
For a hormonal high school girl that is...
But, we became pen pals. My Best Friend and I.
I'm sure dozens of letters included the parting, BFF, phrase.
We were too.
Fast forward to March 2007.
My Best Friend and I at her wedding.
I cried at her wedding.
Not only because it was beautiful,
but because, I was giving my Best Friend away,
to the man of her dreams.
Another life or death situation.
For a hormonal pregnant woman that is...
We are still Best Friends.
We are Sister's in Christ too.
We are kindred spirits...
Our bond is like that of a modern day King David and Jonathon.
I love her. To pieces. She blesses me to no end.
She strengthens me, as "iron sharpens iron"-Prov. 27:17
She brings a whole new meaning to Best Friend's Forever, because her and I will share all of eternity, together, worshiping our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Alicia hosts Friday Photo Flashback... won't you join us?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I've hit a wall.
With my house.
It's impossible.
I have 4 little ones home with me everyday, and we live in a small house. My guess is its under 1000sq. ft. It's a rental, so I don't know for sure. Amongst my 4 little ones are two toddlers. Toddler boys.
They are little tasmanian devils I tell ya!
Especially that little red head!
That little red head has taken a fancy to our bookshelves. As a matter of fact, he is quite obsessive compulsive about it. He must rearrange a book or two every time he walks past it. It's in the living room, right next to the sliding glass door to our backyard. Which gets a lot of use. I also have 2 older girls who love to read, but hate to put things away where they got them. So after a short while my bookshelves start looking like...
Because it's in the living room, it starts to drive me crazy when it's in complete disarray!
So I went to target and bought a ton of their plain jane dishpans to help me organize my bookshelves.
Am I just completely crazy?
I might be having my own OCD moment here...
This is what I ended up with...
aaaaaaaaaaaagh... much better!
You can't tell [yet] but the books are organized into categories.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I'm not sure how many of you have heard about Rafiqa Bary. The 17 year old girl raised Muslim who converted to Christianity at the age of 13, and hid it from her family for as long as she could. Her Father found out, and she ran away to Florida, in fear for her own life. Her claim is that her Father threatened to kill her, an "honor killing" which is called for in the Koran.
I believe her.
I'm praying for her.
Her parents are fighting for her return to Ohio, to their custody. As of today, a Florida judge ruled that she remain in foster care in Florida, until an "investigation" is completed into the home and family of this 17 year old girl. Pray that the Lord would do a mighty work in this case! That the Lord would protect this precious daughter of His! Pray for her safety!
Jesus, Mighty God, I come before you now, with my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ and lift up this precious child of God to you! I pray that you would do a mighty work in her life, in and through the people around her! I pray that you would bring wisdom, and clarity to the Judge over her case. I pray that the truth would be revealed to him, and that his ruling would be one to protect this young girl. I thank you for her courage, her strength, and her faith. Her ability to stand up for you, even with the fear of losing her life hanging over her head. I pray for a radical conversion of her family! You are an awesome God, and I've seen it happen before! I pray that through this young girl, and this situation, that her family would come to a Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ! The Alpha and Omega! I pray that through this many eyes would be opened to the truth and reality of Islam. I thank you for your love Lord, you love all people, and wish for none to perish. Thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus I bring this request.
Watch this video below, it will break your heart!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday Photo Flashback
Alicia is hosting a Friday Photo Flashback. I wanted to join in this week. We all have tons of pre-digital photos sitting in albums, laying in boxes, heaps and piles somewhere... I've started scanning in old photos, so this was a perfect time to join in the fun and share flashes of my past with you all!

This is my husband and I at Disnelyand, shortly after we met, over 12 years ago!
I was 14, he was 15 about to turn 16. We met at Magic Moutain, Ca. and became pen pals.
Crazy, I know!
He was always very chivalrous.
We never dated, but were "friends". Though he knew the moment he met me at 15 years old that I would be his wife. I thought we was crazy, and possibly a psycho axe murderer...
plus we was in the marching band. A "band geek". I was an athlete. The too "cool for school" jock. Plus we lived in different cities...
He moved to my city to go to college, and to secretly be closer to me. He was 17 when he started college. I was 16. But the fact that I was still a "high schooler" kinda freaked him out. It just was not our time yet....
Finally, SEVEN years after we met, the time was right, and we started dating. A year and a half after we started dating, we were married.
That's the short version. There's a lot more to it. Drama.
I love our story though. Mainly because it's "our" story.
But also, because one of my favorite love stories in the bible is that of Jacob and Rachel.
Jacob fell instantly in love with Rachel at the well where he met her. He then worked for 7 years for her Father, his Uncle, in order to marry her. Then... drama. But in the end, he was able to marry Rachel, after another 7 years of hard work.
Although my husband didn't have to labor for over 14 years for my hand in marriage, he did pursue me for over 7 years, with the hope that one day I would be his bride. That was hard work too! I had ZERO interest! Plus, all the drama.
But here we are, almost 4 years into our marriage, 12 years after we met, happily married!
In the end, he got the girl, and I got my prince!
Really, it's a great love story.
Like that of Jacob and Rachel.
Complete with lots of juicy drama.
Which I'll save for another day.
Here we are 12 years later.
Happily married. Madly in love.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hoje fiz esta decoração...
Hippyxic posted this on Flickr. Isn't it amazing? I wish I could be sitting there, with a great book, my best friend, and a Thai Tea... my friend has me completely intrigued!
So Precious!

This is $29.95 on sale at Anthropologie. I absolutely adore it!!
I'm trying to justify the expenditure.
I can't.
But I'm trying to!!
This is a 27 piece felt play set. Aren't those little cards adorable? My favorite are the stamps.
Still trying to justify the price.
Still can't!
Perhaps you can justify the price for your little ones.
It's just TOO cute!!
I know I could make this, but anyone have an idea how to add adorable little pictures to felt?
I will love you forever if you could share a tutorial!
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