Here is the results of my late not Vons run.
Total Cost: $91.51
Total Out of Pocket Cost: $14.58
Total Catalina's left over: $16.00
Not too shabby!!
Transaction #1
6- Arrowhead Water 6packs $1.99ea
2- Capri Sun $1.99ea
3- Finish Dishwasher Tablets $3.99ea
2- Earth Grains Whole Wheat Bread 2/$5
I used:
-1 $1/2 Arrowhead Water MFQ
-1 $.50/1 Vons Q (in store ad) + 2- $1/1 MFQ on Capri Suns
-3 $2.50/ Finish Dishwasher Tablets MFQ
-2 $/50/1 Earth Grains MFQ (that DBL to $1/1)
-$10.00 Catalina rolled over from last weeks deals...
Total Transaction Cost= $49.96 (pre tax)
My OOP cost ended up being $9.59!! BUT $16.00 in Catalina's printed out! (1 $10 CAT for the spend $30 get $10 promo, AND 3 $2 CATS for the Arrowheads. (Buy 2 Get $2CAT) That's over a $6.00 profit!
Total Savings= $40.37!!! That's 82%
Transaction #1 totals....
Transaction #2
1-Bisquick Heart Smart Mix $3.55ea
1-Cranergy 4 pack $2.99
3-Finish Dishwasher Tablets $3.99ea
Total Transaction Cost= $41.55 But I used the following coupons:
-1 $.50/1 Capri Sun VonsQ (in store ad) AND -6 $1/1MFQ's
-1 $.60/1 Bisquick 40oz MFQ (cut from prior box)-this DBL to $1/1
-1 $1/1 Cranergy MFQ
-3 $2.50/1 Finish MFQ's
-$10.00 Catalina from Transaction #1
Total Cost OOP= $4.99!
YES UNDER $5.00! (ONE package of Finish was $3.99 pre-tax!)
Transaction #2 also didn't not go how I originally intended. I was originally planning on buying the Yoplait single cup yogurts that were on sale for $.50ea but apparently they weren't part of the catalina promotion. Only the Yoplait multi packs were, which I had no coupons for. O'well. I'm happy with my purchases though! We LOVE Capri Suns here, and they are something I normally am unable to purchase for the kids, it's simply not in the budget! So that was nice!