Christmas was nice this year. We picked up the girls in the morning and went over to my mom's. We didn't go anywhere else this year which was especially nice. I did not want to spend the day driving all over southern california pregnant, with three kids in the car. No fun. So at Grandma Robin's we stayed. My brother, sister in law, and niece joined us in the afternoon, as well as Grampa Steve, (Richard's dad). Boy the girls sure made out like bandits this year! All three sets of grandparents spoiled them rotten this year, and they loved every minute of it! They pretty much got everything on their Christmas list, and a few things that weren't. Richard and I weren't able to do much of anything this year, so it was nice to watch the girls excitement over every gift, and know that they were happy. Especially when the pony was revealed. Grampa Steve bought Cassidy the electronic FurReal pony that she's wanted for the last year. It was too big to wrap, and when she saw it in the back of his truck she screamed and jumped up and down! She had the same reaction that Corinne had when she opened up her makeup. I am determined however, starting next year, to find a way to really emphasize the reason we celebrate Christmas, and focus on that. I'd like to start a tradition. Any suggestions? Anywhoo, Richard and I really enjoyed ourselves, even though we seemed to be a bit overwhelmed at times. Why do holidays tend to get so stressful? Probably because we took our focus off of Christ, if only for a moment... We had an early Christmas dinner, and it even though there wasn't enough room at the table for everybody, it was a very enjoyable, yummy dinner. (Right Richard? =oP)-private joke sorry- Thanks Mom for all of your hard work in the kitchen! The turkey was moist and scrumptious, the ham was of course amazing, and all of the side dishes were great! Big success! Here's some pics from Christmas Day.
(I just discovered that if you're having a hard time seeing the pics because they're on the smaller side, if you click on them it pulls it up in a full screen.)

Merry Christmas!

Richard and the Girls

Me and My Girls

She's just a little excited...
Over makeup.


He was happy with the paper

The penguin was as big as him!!

Then he found the nose...

Mmmm yummy nose

She loves horses!

He loves the bows.

a musical, "big girl" jewelry box

she got a ballerina doll

Cassidy's pony.
Why did they have to put the batteries there?

If you find this somewhat disturbing, you should've
seen it in the box!