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Friday, February 13, 2009

The Grocery Game

I've been doing my best for a while now to live as a good steward of all Chist has blessed us with, and grocery shopping has shown itself an area where frugality is well worth it! I firmly believe that no one should pay full price for anything if they don't have to! I'm happy to report that for the last six months I have been feeding my family of six with an abundance of fresh, healthy foods for under $400.00 a month. Some months I come in well under $300.00. All without coupons! However, when I started noticing friends remarking on the amount of money they were saving using the Grocery Game I was intrigued. So I signed up for the 4wk $1 trial and I'm going to give it a try. I'm always looking for more ways to be frugal and a good steward with what the Lord has provided our family. The less money we spend per month, means more money can go towards supporting God's work in the Kingdom! I will keep you posted on how the Grocery Game goes!
