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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Anti-Spanking Bill a NO GO! (June 18, 2008)

5/27/2008 9:56:29 AM
Home School Legal Defense Association
California: Defeat of AB 2943--Prohibition of Spanking
From the HSLDA E-lert Service...

From: Roy Hanson's Child and Family Protection Association and HSLDA

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Bill: AB 2943 - Prohibition of Spanking
Author: Assembly Member Sally Lieber

Position: Strongly Opposed

Status: Failed - A Great Victory!!

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We are very grateful to God to be able to report that AB 2943 failed
to be passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee by the May
23rd legislative deadline.

God has used your phone calls and letters to the Legislature to bring
this victory. As a result of our Action Alerts, many parents
repeatedly wrote and called their legislators, sending a strong
message encouraging them: 1) to let AB 2943 die in the Assembly
Appropriations Committee, and 2) to dissuade them from considering
writing any such "anti-spanking" bill in the future. Thank you for
all of your prayers, calls, and letters in response to our Alerts on
this bill!

This is a tremendous victory! Like its identical predecessor (AB 755)
by the same author, AB 2943 is now dead!

AB 2943 would have had the practical effect of making criminals out of
those who spank with an implement (i.e. inanimate object, such as a
small paddle or ruler) in California, which could have resulted in
prison or jail time and loss of children. We believe very strongly
that this bill was an extremely dangerous attack on the rights of all
parents in California to be able to determine for themselves what is
the best way to raise and discipline their children. If this bill had
become law, it could have ended up destroying thousands of families.

NO further action is needed on AB 2943.

If any similar bill should be brought up by the Legislature at any
time, we will issue an appropriate Action Alert. We continue to
monitor all legislation daily.

If you would like to read more details on AB 2943, read our Alerts and
background papers at .

***** ***** ***** *****
Permission is given to reprint this document or distribute it by email
in its entirety without alteration. You are encouraged to link to
this article on our website .
