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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fresh & Easy Deals 4/5 - 4/12

Fresh and Easy has a few mentionable items right now from their ad in the Sunday paper.

-Farmer's Gems Large Grade AA Eggs: $.99
-Asparagus (1lb): $.99
I intend to go to Fresh & Easy in the morning when they open, if I can, -sick babies- and when I do I will add to this list for you guys.

Something to keep in mind when shopping Fresh and Easy. I spoke to the store manager on one of my first shopping trips there and told him that we were a one income family of 6 and I was trying to keep our grocery budget down to about $65/week, and asked him if he could give me any tips regarding their sales. This is what he told me. That the Fresh and Easy policy is to keep food always fresh, so they try and keep the food for only a few days before they bring in a new delivery. SO, as a result all of their fresh food items have a short window of time before their sell by date comes up. Every night when the stores close the employees take all the items off the shelf that needed to be sold that day, and they mark them down anywhere from 40-80%off. The items are then put back out on the shelves for the following day in there specially marked clearance sections. The best time to shop Fresh and Easy if you're looking for those marked down clearance items is when they first open at 8am. Throughout the day they will mark down clearance items even more, however the selection will be sparse. I LOVE Fresh and Easy!! I can get produce for our family of 6 for an entire week for well under $20!
